Complaints &
Dispute Resolution

At SadaPay, we aim for the highest standards in customer satisfaction and transparency. We deeply appreciate you trusting us with your money and do our best to maintain your positive experience with us. If anything goes wrong, we want to make sure the complaint and dispute process is as seamless as possible.

You can reach us by:

  • Sending an email to
  • Sending a message via live chat in the SadaPay app
  • Calling us at 0800-1-SADA (7232)

We’ll need the following information from you to file a complaint:

  • Name of the user
  • SadaPay account number
  • Contact information (Email, phone number etc)
  • Complaint Reason (Type of issue)
  • Complaint Detail (Description of the issue)
  • Supporting documents
  • Supporting information (Estimated last transaction amount, estimated account balance)

And here’s what you’ll need to file a transaction dispute:

  • Name of the user
  • SadaPay account number
  • Type of the transaction (eg, ATM, Funds transfer)
  • Transaction details (Amount, time, reference no. etc,)
  • Supporting documents

Once a complaint has been logged, one of our associates will share the estimated due date for the complaint. (We’ll try our best to get it resolved as soon as possible, but it’s not always in our control since third parties may be involved)

To get an estimate of how long it will take for the issue to be resolved, you can check the below table.

Note: All the turn around times are based on Business days

*According to the SBP Circular 2006, two additional days may be needed to resolve complaints of the following:

  • Member banks branches not located in major cities like Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad (also known as Tier 2 branches)
  • ATM’s that are not directly attached to their branches (such as ATM’s in malls and other independent locations).

Complaint Type

Outgoing Funds Transfer

Incoming Funds Transfer

ATM Cash Withdrawal

Mobile Top-up

Bill Payment


3 working days

1 working day

5 working days

4 working days

4 working days

Complaint Resolution Timelines

  • For complaints, you will get a confirmation message from the Complaint Management Unit that the complaint has been successfully logged within 1 working day.
  • The Complaint Management Unit will get back to you within 5 working days and will update you about the status of the ticket.
  • You will be communicated about additional time if required by the Complaint Management Unit (Additional time could be required based on the nature of the complaint).